Pics of me laying down in the snow
Today the hotspot was the Cerro Medio. It takes 4 hour walk, 2 to get there and 2 to come back going up hill.
From up there there are 2 nice lagoons and you can walk to the tip of the mountain. Very nice view of the city!
You can watch the planes landing at the airport, check the mountains around.
And play in the snow. Roll in the snow LOL!
You may even drink the water from the cold lagoon formed by ice melting.
Lots of folks came to this trip so it was very cool. I believe tomorrow some folks will go to the Martial Glacier to see real ICE.
I'm kinda skipping the boat trips as many folks told me in Puerto Madryn there are way more penguins to see and it's for free.
I guess I'll have a look there later, after all coming to the Tierra Del Fuego and not seeing penguins would be kinda embarrasing.
From up there there are 2 nice lagoons and you can walk to the tip of the mountain. Very nice view of the city!
You can watch the planes landing at the airport, check the mountains around.
And play in the snow. Roll in the snow LOL!
You may even drink the water from the cold lagoon formed by ice melting.
Lots of folks came to this trip so it was very cool. I believe tomorrow some folks will go to the Martial Glacier to see real ICE.
I'm kinda skipping the boat trips as many folks told me in Puerto Madryn there are way more penguins to see and it's for free.
I guess I'll have a look there later, after all coming to the Tierra Del Fuego and not seeing penguins would be kinda embarrasing.
Fotos de yo sossegado na neve, e do topo do cerro medio.
Hoje o passeio foi pelo Cerro Medio. Basicamente uma caminhada de 4 horas, 2 para ir 2 para voltar, subindo um cerro. La de cima, tem duas lagoas para ver e tambem subir ao cume do cerro, para ter uma vista geral de ushuaia. Da pra ver o aeroporto e os avioes aterrissando. Alem de todas as montanhas a volta. E claro!!!! Brincar na neve. Deslizar, pular, rolar na neve, hehehehe. E tomar agua da lagoa formada pelo degelo, hehe, claro. Hoje foi uma galera, entao estava bem mais maneiro. Acho que amanha vai rolar o passeio do Glaciar martial, para ver gelo mesmo, e nao apenas neve localizada, hehe. Quanto aos passeios de barco, ja me disseram que em Puerto Madryn ha muito mais pinguins para ver, e alem disso de graca, hehee, acho que vou dar uma passada por la depois. Afinal vir a terra do fogo sem ver pinguins e muita derrota.
ae meu traz um pinguin pra mim!!!!
ho ho ho
Aproveitando, q dias chega em POA?
viu, só nao precisa saí correndo dos pinguins caso eles comecem a andar em sua direção... sabe né, que pinguins nao sao perigosos como as tartarugas...
Fala Marcio, bao, chego em poa dia 6. Vamos ver, pode ser um de pelucia? hehehe
ReplyDeleteMas além de todas essas maravilhas e pinguins, vc não vai esquiar?