Above some pictures from Playa Larga, some boat in the horizon and of the soil, incredibly full of flowers everywhere.
Today 2 more short trips that were less interesting. One beach where you cannot actually go to the beach (Playa larga) as it's sooo cold and there's no sand (only small pebbles). Anyway it's always good to have a bad experience so you know not to do it again.
There's a barbecue planned for later on today, let's see if it really happens.
Today I started copying one idea from an Italian guy. I bought a small notebook and I'm handing it to everybody so they can sign it and leave a message, like a guest book. It's kinda cool.
This hostel thing is so nice I'm actually thinking about opening my own hostel.
Anyway, tomorrow I'm headed for El Calafate. 19 hours inside a bus, so I've got to prepare myself and I'm probably taking a Dramin or something similar
Today 2 more short trips that were less interesting. One beach where you cannot actually go to the beach (Playa larga) as it's sooo cold and there's no sand (only small pebbles). Anyway it's always good to have a bad experience so you know not to do it again.
There's a barbecue planned for later on today, let's see if it really happens.
Today I started copying one idea from an Italian guy. I bought a small notebook and I'm handing it to everybody so they can sign it and leave a message, like a guest book. It's kinda cool.
This hostel thing is so nice I'm actually thinking about opening my own hostel.
Anyway, tomorrow I'm headed for El Calafate. 19 hours inside a bus, so I've got to prepare myself and I'm probably taking a Dramin or something similar
Acima fotos da playa larga, um barco no horizonte, e do solo, incrivelmente florido em toda parte.
Bueno, hoje mais dois passeios, pouco interessantes. uma praia que nao se pode entrar na agua, hehe, e nao tem areia. E um glaciar que nao tem gelo, so um pouquinho de neve. Mas bom, sempre e bom ter a experiencia ruim pra saber que nao deve fazer de novo. Alem disto tem um churrasco planejado pra mais tarde, vamos ver se sai. Hoje comecei a copiar a ideia de um italiano. Comprei uma caderneta e uma caneta e agora to passando por ai pra galera ir pondo suas mensagens, tipo um livro de visitas. Eh bem maneiro. Esse negocio de albergue e tao bom que ja to pensando em abrir um :D. Bom, amanha me vou pra el calafate. Sao 19 horas dentro de onibus, entao tenho que me preparar bem e vou ver se acho um Dramin ou algo parecido por aqui.
hey, a idéia do caderninho é boa memo!
ReplyDeletebah o caderno é legal mesmo!!! depois fica com uma recordação bacana!! :D
ReplyDeleteo dramin pode ser substituido por uma bela garrafa de vinho! :PP
se conseguires, posta uma foto ae pra nós! :))))