------------------------ ENGLISH --------------------------
There are many beggars with mutilated fingers and limbs. It's some sort of untreated leprosis that literally eats their limbs. Some of them have no finger in both hands....
Also, you have to put down your prejudices on monks & nuns here cause I've seem more than one time some monk wearing the traditional brown clothing but wearing nike shoes and speaking on the cellphone while eating at some restaurant.
Aparently the Dalai Lama speak to the public everyweek, and there are lines of people coming to hear his speeches.
------------------------ PORTUGUESE --------------------------
Nao entendi ainda como tem tantos pedintes com os dedos mutilados. E uma leprose nao tratada, horrivel de se ver. Alguns nao tem nenhum dedo nas duas maos....
Outra coisa interessante eh que tem muitos monges e monjas, de todos os tipos. Tem ate monge usando a tradicional bata marrom e calcando nike, falando ao celular enquanto almoca em um restaurante.
O dalai lama da palestras todas as semanas, filas e filas de gente pra assistir.
nike o_O ^^
ReplyDeletetão rico ^^