---------------------------- ENGLISH ---------------------------------
Mumbai 17/09/2008
Today I went to the gateway of India, historical gate shaped monument created for the visit of King George V and Queen Mary of England.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gateway_of_india ). They are reforming the gateway but it's still impressive.
After some long chat with some random tout trying to sell me postcards, he sent me to the Leopold Cafe. After some Black Dal, I asked for a beer and started checking around. Few minutes later I was chatting like childhood friend with 2 iranians, father and son, spending some vacation in Mumbai. Drinking and smoking in the midle of ramadhan. The father told me he is a musician (classic music), used to play internationally before the muslim revolution in Iran, nowadays he plays only military marches in the government TV. Really funny guys, it was an amazing time chatting with them.
---------------------------- PORTUGUESE ---------------------------------
Mumbai 17/09/2008
Hoje fui conhecer o gateway of India, um monumento em forma de portal criado para ser o portal de mumbai para o mar arabico (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gateway_of_india ). Foi criado como homenagem a visita do rei George V e da Rainha Mary, da Inglaterra. O monumento esta em reforma, mas continua imponente, e claro, cheio de visitantes, e claro, muita gente tentando vender todo tipo de souvenires e afins. Aproveitei e fui conhecer o Leopold Cafe, um restaurante tradicional a 2 quadras do gateway. Apos o almoco, tinha 2 iranianos na mesa ao lado, e ficamos conversando um bom tempo. Pai e filho de ferias na India. Bebendo e fumando em pelo ramadhan, o mes sagrado dos muculmanos :P Eles me disseram que neste mes o muculmano nao pode beber, comer nem fumar do amanhecer ao por do sol. Bacana foi a historia do pai, que contou como tinha uma otima carreira de violinista antes da revolucao islamica, e como a revolucao ferrou com ele e com varios amigos dele. Hoje em dia ele eh obrigado a tocar marchas militares na televisao do governo.Mumbai 17/09/2008
Today I went to the gateway of India, historical gate shaped monument created for the visit of King George V and Queen Mary of England.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gateway_of_india ). They are reforming the gateway but it's still impressive.
After some long chat with some random tout trying to sell me postcards, he sent me to the Leopold Cafe. After some Black Dal, I asked for a beer and started checking around. Few minutes later I was chatting like childhood friend with 2 iranians, father and son, spending some vacation in Mumbai. Drinking and smoking in the midle of ramadhan. The father told me he is a musician (classic music), used to play internationally before the muslim revolution in Iran, nowadays he plays only military marches in the government TV. Really funny guys, it was an amazing time chatting with them.
---------------------------- PORTUGUESE ---------------------------------
Mumbai 17/09/2008
ReplyDeleteque legal :D
puts, por isso que mochilão é mil vezes melhor, e saber inglês fluente também rsrs
buenas, Flavio já começou a fazer amigos =D